Monday, June 14, 2010

Warrior 1, IWC 0

In case you're curious, there is already a hierarchy among wrestling fans. Those who are smart (old) enough to own a computer and use it to go online and discuss wrestling are called the IWC: Internet Wrestling Community.

To further clear up this strange little subculture, this term is not one of endearment. It's one of those terms like when Manny himself went on late night TV and announced it was "just Manny being Manny" third/fourth/fifth person impersonal sort of a term. People comment on blog posts to announce that "The IWC just can't ever give Cena any credit because they're intimidated by his awesomeness". So they join the group to mock it. Because they're wrestling fans. And that means they're better than you. But they loooooooooooooooooove their comments.

Anyway, all this is to say that I read the Ultimate Warrior's blog this weekend (which by the way is called The Warrior's Machete:Ockham had his Razor. He Shaved with Delicacy. I Sever with Blunt Force....double points to the Warrior for that reference). The best line of the whole thing?

Someone wrote and asked why comments are turned off.
Simple. I value my time — and yours, too. Commenting is a waste of it.

Your Founding Father of Time Management,

Always Believe,


I love it. But hey, feel free to waste your time. Comment away.

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